Our Advantages
Below are listed the advantages of choosing Paul Petticrew as your mediator:
Open Calendar
Paul is a full-time mediator scheduling two mediations each day and willing to mediate cases in the evening or on weekends. To view his calendar click here.
No Cancellation or Rescheduling Fee
In this time of last minute settlements and busy schedules, Paul does not charge a cancellation or rescheduling fee.
Ease of Preparation & Mediating By Participants
Paul does not require a pre-mediation statement, but will study whatever is submitted. If attorneys prefer, opening sessions are not required.
Provided Location
Paul will provide locations for mediation when not in Indianapolis at no charge.
Ease of Scheduling
Call 317MEDIATE (317-633-4283) or click here to email Paul. He will set up a conference call, send out calendars to select preferred dates, or click here to view his calendar and email your preferences to paul@317MEDIATE.com.
No Travel Cost
To assist you settling cases throughout Indiana, Paul does not charge any travel time costs or mileage fees.
Second Mediation is Free
Low Costs
While the average cost of other mediators can often approach $1,000 for each side, Paul only charges a flat fee of $500 per party for 1/2 day mediations. There are no “hidden” or extra charges for scheduling, Reports to the Court, calling for lien or medical bill reduction, telephone, copying, or other attending administration fees. Unless you request otherwise, Paul will conclude the mediation within ½ day.
Effectiveness in Settling Cases
The bottom line is closing files. Paul has settled over 85 percent of his first 13,000 cases. A combination of his unique, persuasive approach, unsurpassed mediation experience, financial analysis of Court versus settlement results, medical knowledge, and unparalleled ability to reduce outstanding medical bills, chiropractor bills, and liens (including ERISA) have been the key to his being among the leaders in the country in successful settling cases in mediation.
Let’s Work Together

“Paul was our court ordered mediator for my civil tort case. He was professional, efficient, and very kind. I was irrationally nervous about the meditation process, and he soon showed me that there was nothing to be anxious about. Thank you Paul!.”