Phone: 317MEDIATE (317-633-4283) | FAX: (317) 688-7701 | Cell: (317) 445-4600


Successful Claims Resolution – click here for description and outline
(For Defense Attorneys and Insurance Adjusters)
Book Available                      $150.00

Challenging an Injury Claim – click here for description and outline
(For Defense Attorneys and Insurance Adjusters)
Book Available                      $150.00

Casualty Adjusters Guide of Indiana – click here for description and outline
(For Insurance Claim Industry Information Seekers)
Book Available                      $100.00

The Mediator’s Marketing Manual– click here for description and outline
(For Mediators)
Book Available                      $100.00

Maximizing Personal Injury Claims– click here for description and outline
(For Plaintiff’s Attorneys)

Mediator Training– click here for description and outline
(For Prospective Mediators)

Settling Difficult Cases – Reducing Liens, Bills, Etc. – click here for description and outline
(For Experienced Mediators)

Lemon Law Strategies and Considerations– click here for description and outline
(For Lemon Law Info. Seekers and Attorneys)
Book Available from ICLEF


Contact Us About Your Case

Paul Petticrew has been an attorney for over 44 years. As President of National A.D.R. Services, Inc., he mediates or arbitrates over 400 cases each year, has mediated over 13,000 cases in his career, and has settled over 85 percent of the cases he has mediated, all of which rank him among the top mediators in the State of Indiana.

Click here to view Paul's Curriculum Vitae.

Paul Petticrew

Mediator, Arbitrator & Attorney at Law, #5713-49
National A.D.R. Services, Inc.
849 West 96th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46260
Phone: 317MEDIATE (317-633-4283)
FAX: (317) 688-7701
Cell: (317) 445-4600

Tax I.D. #35-1866164

***Please note our offices have moved, effective June 1, 2017***